FTL Motion Box
So I posted some work in an earlier post that was inspired by a NeoGAF thread called “Real Next Gen Box Art (Mobile GIF Warning)” which I revisited with this image for one of my favorite games: FTL. This game was one of my favorites from the Gold Rush on Kickstarter from a few years back. FTL is a punishing rogue-like starship simulator, which I have beaten only two or three times. This my cover:
Later when I decided to revisit some of these as I was messing around on YouTube and making some videos, I decided to make one for this one too:
Ah, FTL.
By the way I’m not responsible for the Sisyphus animation underlying this thing, and I’m not sure if the original poster on YouTube is the person who animated it, but they diud a good job and so here’s the original link: