Enterprise Sales Presentations & Launch Ads
This 30-second ad aired the summer leading up to the premiere of Star Trek: Enterprise (originally titled Enterprise). This is the spot set to The Calling’s “Wherever You Will Go,” which many people felt would have been a far superior theme song for the show itself.
These other ads also aired the summer before the 2001 premiere of Star Trek: Enterprise (originally titled Enterprise).
Shortly before the premiere of Enterprise (as it was called at launch) UPN affiliates received the following teaser to help sell advertising time for the program. The presentation was clearly “NOT FOR AIR,” but years later it is for YouTube and the fan community.
Shortly before the premiere of Enterprise UPN affiliates received the following teaser to help sell advertising time for the program. Produced before any principal photography, the bulk of the presentation is clips from other Star Trek shows and interviews with production members.
Sorry about the potato quality. These were uploaded in the compressed format in which the network uploaded/distributed them back in 2001.